Friday, April 11, 2008

Statins: Q10 counter worst effects

Thousands of people stop taking their cholesterol-lowering statin medication because of the drug's debilitating side effects, such as pain and muscle weakness. Harvard scientists have confirmed that a CoQ10 supplement can counter these effects. Statin drugs have a toxic effect on mitochondria, the specialized structures found in all cells that are responsible for the body's energy supply. In the new study, three statin drugs - fluvastatin, lovastatin, and simvastatin - interfered with the body's energy production, and the problem was magnified if the patient was also taking propanolol, a hypertensive. As a result, around 2.3 per cent of patients taking a statin stop their medication. Nature Biotechnology, 2008; 26: 343-51.

Steve - hmm, where have we we heard this before?

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