Wednesday, March 31, 2010

News flash: dark chocolate good for heart

The largest study so far to examine the association between chocolate consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease has found that of those who ate the most chocolate—around 7.5 g per day—had a 39% lower risk of MI and stroke than individuals who ate almost no chocolate (1.7 g per day). Lead author Dr Brian Buijsse (German Institute of Human Nutrition, Nuthetal, Germany) said: "This shows that habitual consumption of chocolate is related to a lower risk of heart disease and stroke that is partly explained by blood-pressure reduction. The risk reduction is stronger for stroke than for MI, which is logical because it appears that chocolate and cocoa have a pronounced effect on BP, and BP is a higher risk factor for stroke than for MI." Buijsse and colleagues report their findings in the European Heart Journal. Buijsse cautions that only small amounts of chocolate (one square a day or half a small Ester egg in a week), preferably dark variety, were associated with the benefits. "We know it is the cocoa content in chocolate that is important, so the higher the cocoa content, the better." The study followed 19 357 people, aged between 35 and 65, who were participants in the Potsdam arm of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer.

Bonnie - I only recommend 70% or higher cocoa content minimum.

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