Monday, March 29, 2010

Multivitamins during pregnancy may boost infant health

Daily supplements of multivitamins during pregnancy may improve the growth of the baby in the womb, says a study with African American women. Women who were taking daily multivitamins in and around the time of conception gave birth to babies who weighed on average half a kilo more than babies from women not taking the supplements, report researchers in the Annals of Epidemiology. “African American women in the United States deliver preterm and low birth weight infants two to three times more frequently than their white counterparts,” explained researchers. Low birth weight has been linked to higher risks of negative health outcomes, including neonatal and infant mortality, poor growth and cognitive development, and higher risks of chronic diseases later in life, like diabetes and heart disease. Furthermore, there was a trend toward increased gestation periods in these women, added the researchers.

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