Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Vitamins, especially E, may slow cataract progression

Taking vitamin E supplements, as well as a higher intake of the B vitamins riboflavin and thiamine, could slow cataract progession, suggest US researchers.

Researchers at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University published a study in the April issue of the Archives of Ophthalmology (123, pp517-526) that found women who reported supplementing their diets with vitamin E for 10 years or more had significantly less progression of cataract development after five years of follow-up.

A similar relative decrease in cataract progression was seen in women who reported higher intakes of two of the B vitamins, riboflavin and thiamin, when compared to women with lower intakes.

"Our results suggest that vitamin supplementation, particularly long-term use of vitamin E, may slow down cataract development," said lead scientist Paul Jacques.

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