Thursday, August 25, 2005

Group Says Grill Once in a While

According to a new analysis by nutrition scientists with The Cancer Project, certain foods contain high levels of cancer-causing heterocyclic amines (HCAs). HCAs are potent carcinogens produced during grilling from the creatine, amino acids, and sugars found naturally in chicken and other meats. In January 2005, the federal government added HCAs to its list of known carcinogens.

Grilled chicken contains the highest HCA concentration, with alarmingly high levels also found in flame-cooked steak, salmon, and hamburger. The Cancer Project report focuses on HCAs, but many grilled meats, including hotdogs, contain other carcinogens such as nitrates.

Chicken breast, skinless, boneless, grilled, well done
Steak, grilled, well done
Pork, barbecued
Salmon, grilled with skin
Hamburger, grilled, well done

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