Tuesday, August 26, 2008

MSG Use Is Linked to Obesity

Consumption of monosodium glutamate, or MSG, the widely used food additive, may increase the likelihood of being overweight, a new study says.

Researchers studied 752 men and women in three villages in northern and southern China where most people use little commercially processed food, but where about 80 percent of people add MSG in cooking.

After controlling for body mass index, smoking, physical activity and almost two dozen measures of daily nutrient intake, they found that the one-third of people who used the most MSG were almost three times as likely to be overweight — that is, to have a body mass index over 25 — as those who used none. On average, with each 0.04-ounce daily increase in MSG intake, B.M.I. went up by 0.61.

MSG makes food taste better, which may lead people to eat more, but the researchers controlled for total energy intake so it is unlikely that that explains the finding. The mechanism for the connection, published in the August issue of Obesity, remains unclear.

Bonnie - I'll tell you what the mechanism is. MSG tricks the neurotransmitters of your brain into thinking something tastes more flavorful than it really is. This overstimulation of your brain gives you the urge to eat more than you should, thus gaining weight. Don't you wonder why you can eat so much Chinese food and be ready to eat more very soon thereafter? Also, MSG is a single amino acid (glutamine) which throws off the balance of other amino acids. It also blocks B-6 and magnesium, thus causing fluid retention and possible blood sugar imbalance.

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