Friday, February 19, 2010

Statins slightly raise diabetes risk

New data from a large meta-analysis of major statin trials suggests the LDL-cholesterol–lowering drugs increase the risk of developing diabetes mellitus by 9%. Investigators stress, however, that clinical practice should remain unchanged in patients with moderate or high cardiovascular risk, given the low absolute risk of developing diabetes, particularly when when compared with the benefit of statins.

Dr Steven Nissen (Cleveland Clinic, OH), who was not involved in the meta-analysis, praised the researchers, calling their interpretation of the data "responsible." Most important, he agreed with their conclusions, stating that the benefits of statins exceed the risk of diabetes and that physicians should not alter clinical practice based on these findings. "In all of these trials, the population with diabetes or the population with new-onset diabetes had the same benefit in terms of reduction in morbidity and mortality as did people who received statins who were not insulin resistant or who had prediabetes," Nissen said. "Whatever this effect is, it doesn't lessen the favorable effect of statins on clinical outcomes. I don't think people should hesitate to give prediabetic patients statins because they might develop diabetes a few weeks or a few months later and deny them all the other benefits of these drugs."

The results of the study appear in the Lancet.

Bonnie - what are cardiologists going to say? Their reputations are on the line because they want half the world on statins! As we have seen with so many classes of medications, the side effects caused by statins continues to mount over time. It is also sad that even though research shows Niacinamide works effectively, with far fewer side effects, it is hardly ever prescribed first.

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