Friday, October 10, 2008

Study does statins no favors

Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs are some of the most widely used in the world, with annual sales in the USA alone of $15.5bn - and they may also be some of the most ineffective. A major new Lancet study of 4,574 patients with chronic heart disease has revealed that the drugs do nothing to extend life or prevent hospital care. This new finding, made by researchers from the ANMCO Research Centre in Florence, Italy, adds weight to a similar conclusion made by Harvard researchers last year. The Italian research team tracked the progress of the heart patients, who were given either the statin drug Crestor (rosuvastatin) or a placebo. More of the patients in the Crestor group died, and more needed hospital care, than those given a placebo. Overall, 1305 patients in the statin group died from their heart condition or were admitted to hospital, compared with 1283 from the placebo group.

Bonnie - how many more studies do we need to see. Save your $$$.

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