Wednesday, October 01, 2008

7 causes of acid reflux: it's not always what you eat

There is a common misconception that if you suffer from acid reflux, you must be eating spicy foods, drinking martinis and smoking cigars on a regular basis. Lifestyle factors are a major factor, but not the only reason for heartburn. A person who experiences acid reflux on an everyday basis may have an anatomical or medical condition.

1. Sphincter has low pressure

Acid reflux occurs when the acidic contents of the stomach pass up into the esophagus, and the sphincter muscle (the barrier between the two) has a defect, so it is unable to block the acid.

If the sphincter muscle has low pressure, it causes acid reflux.

2. Pregnancy

Elevated progestin hormones cause the pressure of the sphincter to go down and the increased pressure of the growing uterus predisposes the woman to acid reflux. The good news is that once the pregnancy is over, the symptoms of acid reflux are likely to disappear.

3. Hiatal hernia

A hiatal hernia is very common (at least 40 percent of Americans have them) and in a subgroup of patients with very severe reflux, a hiatal hernia – where the upper portion of the stomach moves upward into the chest – can cause acid to reflux.

4. Gastroparesis

This is a disorder in which the stomach takes too long to empty its contents. Normally, the acid is produced and emptied into the small intestine, but if it sits in the stomach for longer, by sheer logic, it will come back up into the esophagus.

5. Obesity

Obesity increases the pressure in the stomach area, so for people who don’t have the other medical causes, the sheer presence of obesity will cause them to have acid reflux.

6. Bisphosphonates & Hormone Replacement Therapy

These class of drugs for osteoporosis and hormone replacement in women can cause esophageal irritation, which can feel like heartburn. It is always worth a quick review of any medication that you are taking long-term to see if acid reflux is one of its side effects.

7. Lifestyle

Dietary changes, weight-loss, increased exercise, smoking cessation, and stress reduction are likely to create a reduction in acid reflux symptoms. Our Pain Relief Diet Action Plan is ideal to follow if you want to eliminate reflux.

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