Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Supplement combo aids those at risk for AMD

Researchers from an NIH-funded study that appeared in the March issue of Archives of Opthamology suggest that persons older than 55 years found to be at risk for Age-Related Macular Degeneration should consider taking a supplement of antioxidants plus zinc. Compared to placebo, the 3640 subjects used in the study demonstrated a statistically significant odds reduction.

Participants received daily oral tablets containing:
Vitamin C, 500mg
Vitamin E, 400IU
Beta Carotene, 15 mg
Zinc, 80 mg
Copper, 2 mg

The researchers did mention that smokers should consult with their physicians whenever taking high-dose beta carotene.

Bonnie - what you see in the media regarding this study is the fact that a beta carotene supplement alone did not reduce the risk of AMD. However, the real positive result, while hardly groundbreaking, is that antioxidants in combination with certain vitamins and minerals work prevent AMD. This study did not even include selenium, which packs even more eye-preventative powers. In addition, on a long-term basis, I never recommend taking more than 50 mg. zinc in supplement form.

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