Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Helping kids eat fruits and vegetables

It is a challenge to get kids to eat fruits and vegetables, according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. moms conducted as part of the "Fruits & Veggies -- More Matters" campaign.

In the survey, more than 70% of moms gave their children grades of "A" or "B" for eating fruits and vegetables. But nearly 30% gave their kids and teens grades of "C" or lower for fruit and vegetable consumption.

Those mothers said their children were tempted by other foods and weren't interested in eating fruits and vegetables.

Steve - the Mom's polled in this survey are either delusional or they simply do not know what is considered a fruit or vegetable. The recent CDC findings basically give the US population an F for fruit and vegetable consumption. Here are quick tips to get your kids to eat more vegetables:
  • Set a good example with your own diet! This is the most crucial tip.
  • While shopping, let kids pick a new fruit or vegetable to try.
  • Offer children a choice of fruits and vegetables at EACH meal.
  • Use cut-up vegetables as part of afternoon snacks.
  • Let kids help decide on dinner vegetables or what goes into salads.
  • If children are old enough, let them help shop for, clean, peel, or cut up fruits and vegetables.
  • Do not consider french fries, potato chips, and tomato sauce on pizza vegetables.
  • Be creative with adding fruits/vegetables to dishes whenever possible.
  • Have your kids eat their protein and vegetables before anything else at a meal.

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