Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Bonnie on flax hot flash study

According to a randomized, placebo-controlled study on 188 postmenopausal women conducted by the Mayo Clinic, researchers found no statistically significant difference in mean hot flash scores between women taking flaxseed and those taking a placebo. Half the women had breast cancer and half did not.

Although both groups of women reported declines in the number of hot flashes they were experiencing, that number was about the same in each group, with about a third in each group reporting a 50% reduction in symptoms.

There were also side effects in both groups, namely bloating, diarrhea and nausea, most likely due to the fiber in the placebo and flaxseed.

Bonnie - I never recommend flaxseed for hot flashes. It simply does not work for hot flashes in the patients I have counseled. Flaxseed, if well tolerated, is wonderful substance to add soluble fiber to your diet, as well as for estrogen balance. However, there are many more effective therapies for hot flashes that can be individualized for your needs.

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