Friday, March 20, 2009

Improve Your Mood Action Plan

The lack of effectiveness of antidepressants in many persons and side effects that accompany drug therapy has still not curtailed consumption. Unfortunately, more psychiatrists are abandoning the couch for the prescription pad. Therefore, it becomes more important in difficult emotional times to inform our clients about what antidepressant therapies can be successful before choosing medication.

Improve Your Mood Action Plan

We have put together the finest clinical and research-based Action Plan that relies on non-pharmacological therapy to prevent, improve, and overcome Anxiety, Depression, and Stress. Here is a sneak peek:

  • Overcoming Anxiety, Depression and Stress
    For most adults, anxiety and stress are common at some point in their lives. But with the financial climate we’re faced with in the United States at this time in history, anxiety and stress have escalated to an alarming degree. People are losing their jobs, their homes, and their self-respect. Until the financial climate changes, we all need to have tools to deal with these facts of life so that we don’t become clinically depressed. This is one goal our Action Plan hopes to accomplish.

  • Food-Mood Balancing Menu Ideas
    Based upon the best research information regarding types of food, times of day, and amounts of protein/carbs/fats to perfectly balance body chemistry for most people. For instance, raw fruits/vegetables work better during the day to optimize digestion, while cooked vegetables and fruits work best in the evening. A snack is a must to counteract a biorhythm change in mid-afternoon (think about your 3:00-4:00 sleepiness and/or sugar cravings). Fewer carbs are recommended before mid-afternoon for mental alertness, while more are recommended thereafter for a calming/relaxation effect. It is okay to mix and match drink choices, but the protein/carbs/fats should not be interchanged for optimum benefits.
  • Forms, Symptoms, Causes and Tools to Manage Stress
  • Anxiety Therapies
  • Diagnostic Criteria and Non-pharmacological Therapy for Depression

Improve Your Mood Action Plan covers myriad complementary therapies based upon individual need, and does so in laymen terms. We sincerely hope that you use this as your first-line mood disorder therapy.

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