Friday, November 14, 2008

Alzheimer's: Power lines double the risk

Living near a power line can increase your risk of Alzheimer's and senile dementia, according to this week's American Journal of Epidemiology.

People who live within 54 yards, or 50 m, of a power line more than double their risk of a neuro-degenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s compared with people who live at least 600 m from a line.

The time you live near a power line also determines the risk level. Living within close proximity of a line for 15 years or longer doubles your risk compared with someone who has lived close to a power line for less than five years.

These findings are based on a study of 4.7 m people living in Switzerland.

Steve - we alluded to this in our Solutions for Reducing Your Toxic Load piece last year.

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