Monday, August 06, 2007

House bill directs FDA to revamp food safety work

The U.S. House passed a $90.7 billion funding bill on Thursday that orders the Food and Drug Administration to write a plan for improving its food safety work. The FDA would submit the plan to Congress early next year with implementation due by July 2009. The White House has threatened to veto the bill on grounds it spends too much and ties the administration's hands on issues ranging from prescription drugs to school snacks. The bill allows importation of prescription drugs from other nations and the White House says there is no way to assure the drugs are safe.The House bill calls on the FDA to set clear goals for a multi-year overhaul of its food safety operations.

Steve - this is doomed from the start. Mark my words. Where are they going to find the staff to write it? The FDA is already so grossly undermanned, they cannot possibly have something ready by early next year. It took them 13 years to write guidelines for dietary supplements!

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