Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Feds probe salmonella outbreak

On the heels of the recent E.Coli outbreak, federal officials are now looking into how salmonella bacteria has sickened 172 people in 18 states over the last two weeks. While not life-threatening, it can cause diarrhea, nauseau, vomiting, abdominal cramps, fever, and headache. While very early in the investigation, officials hypothesize that produce may be the culprit.

Bonnie - this unfortunately, is becoming a redundant theme...if the host is healthy, it is more difficult for virulent substances to express themselves negatively. It is similar to genetic expression, where many chronic diseases are derived from genes that have been negatively expressed through poor lifestyle choices.

These organisms have been around forever and are here to stay. They are always part of our gut flora. As we continue to try to kill them off, they will continue to mutate.

What are a few easy things we can do to arm ourselves?
  • Antibiotics, used for any reason, make the problem worse because they kill good flora. One must be very cautious and judicious about its use.
  • Supplement with probiotics! Yogurt and kefir will not cut it because much of its cultures are rendered ineffective on its way down the digestive tract.
  • Reduce sugar consumption. There is nothing that impedes proper immune system function more than sugar.

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