Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Highlights from the September Lark Letter

I have always liked what Dr. Susan Lark had to say. Here are some interesting issues she addressed in her latest newsletter:

Dr. Lark began by stating what we have been saying about bisophosphonate drugs, such as Fosomax for a long time:
  • It does not always work
  • Well-known side effects include gastrointestinal side effects and chemical burning of the esophagus, eye pain, and inflammation, blood calcium deficiency, kidney toxicity, and the newest revelation...osteonecrosis, which is the infection and death of bone tissue in the jaw.
  • Bisphosphonates do not actually restore bone. They slow the rate of loss of old bone by blocking the action of osteoclasts, cells naturally present in bone that are meant to dismantle old, stressed, or damaged bone tisseu so it can be replaced by new tissue, made by osteoblasts.
Dr. Lark also talks about Peripheral Neuropathy (PN). It is often unlcear how it develops, but some well-known risk factors are:
  • Diabetes
  • Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Gatrsic bypass Surgery
  • Excessive Alcohol Use
  • Exposure to Toxins
  • Autoimmune Disorders
What has been most helpful for Dr. Lark's patients with PN:
  • Nutrient Nourishment
    Certain B-Vitamins
    Acetyl L-Carnitine
    Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Low glycemic diet
  • Test for gluten-sensitivity
  • Avoid excess alcohol consumption
  • Infrared Light Therapy
  • Avoid trauma to affected nerves (any tight jewelry or clothing)
  • Minimize Toxic load
  • Exercise

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