Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Alzheimer's Association emphasizes diet and physical activity for lowering risk

There was encouraging copy on the front page of the Alzheimer's Association newsletter. The headline read, "Risk Factors for Alzheimer's Linked to Diet, Physical Activity." The newsletter was echoing research that was presented at the 10th International Conference of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders.

Another front page headline read, "
Fat Intake at mid-life associated with changes in cognitive function later on." This study presented by Finnish researchers showed that high intake of saturated fat from milk products at midlife was associated with poorer cognitive function and memory, while high intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fish consumption correlated with better overall cognitive function.

We know both of these headlines to be true, but the significance is that the Alzheimer's Association acknowledges them. The Minsky family has been ardent supporters of the Alzheimer's Assocation for years, but what has frustrated us is the lack of attention paid to preventative measures. The millions of dollars that are poured into Alzheimer's research for a cure we feel is somehwat misguided. A sufficient portion of those funds should go to the education and implementation of techniques for PREVENTING the onset of the disease, especially in those most susceptible. Of course, prevention is not as sexy as finding a "cure," but has shown in many other cases to be the most effective method.

With the release of the most recent Alzheimer's Association publication, we are hoping that this is the beginning of a shift in the paradigm in attacking Alzheimer's.


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