Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Wal-Mart Eyes Organic Foods

There is a very interesting article about Wal-Mart's goal to be the largest consumer of organic foods. Obviously, when Wal-Mart is involved, you have to ask is it a blessing or a curse. Demand for organic products is already outstripping supply. Wal-Mart in the short-term may gobble up all the market share in the US, and then have to go other countries for product where the organic standards are much less stringent.

In an ideal world, Wal-Mart would be able to arrange a situation where they could use a network of local organic growers that could provide to their stores. This would save on fossil fuel costs (i.e. transport of product by truck, plane, boat) and stimulate the economy in the process. Unfortunately, it is not an ideal world. Stay tuned.


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