Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Experts question dairy guidelines

A little piece in the Sun-Times included comments from several leading nutritional voices, Dr. Walter Willett of Harvard and T. Colin Campbell of Cornell. Willett, who works closely with three of the biggest and longest running health studies in the country, found that women getting the most calcium from dairy products had more fractures than women who had less dairy. Campbell suggests that vegetables, legumes, are better for bones than milk.

Bonnie - as I have been saying as long as these gentlemen have, dairy is not a priority for bone health. A few things not mentioned in this piece were the fact that dairy can be acid-producing, and acid eats away bone. The article did mention vitamin D, but once again, magnesium gets shut out with nary a mention. Magnesium is just as important as vitamin D for calcium absorption. As an adjunct to this article, I found a study that concurred with what we reported last year with regard to B-12 levels and their connection with bone health. A report from the prestigious Framingham Osteoporsis Study showed that out of 2,576 men and women ages 30 to 87, the lower the B12 levels, the greater the risk of osteoporsis.

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