Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Fast Food linked to school performance?

Researchers found that the more frequently children reported eating fast food in fifth grade, the lower their growth in reading, math, and science test scores by the time they reached eighth grade. Students who ate the most fast food had test score gains that were up to about 20 percent lower than those who didn't eat any fast food. The results are published online in the journal Clinical Pediatrics.

This study included about 11,740 students. They were tested in reading/literacy, mathematics and science in both fifth and eighth grades. They also completed a food consumption questionnaire in fifth grade. Fast-food consumption was quite high in these students.

Children who ate fast food four to six times per week or every day showed significantly lower gains in all three achievement areas compared to children who did not eat any fast food the week before the survey.

Children who ate fast food just one to three times a week had lower academic growth compared to non-eaters in only one subject, math.

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