Monday, December 07, 2009

Monolaurin tampons may reduce toxic shock

Glycerol monolaurate (GML) in tampons inhibits Staphylococcus aureus exotoxin production and hence may reduce the impact of menstrual toxic shock syndrome, researchers report in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases. As senior investigator Dr. Patrick M. Schlievert told Reuters Health, "The paper shows that GML has two effects: it reduces production of bacterial toxins vaginally, and it reduces vaginal inflammation. The first property makes it possible for tampons to have less risk associated with menstrual toxic shock syndrome." "The second property...suggests that GML may be useful in reducing transmission of a variety of sexually transmitted infections," he added, noting that his group's recent paper in the journal Nature showed that reduction in inflammation reduces the risk of viral transmission.

Bonnie - as we have reported for many years, Monolaurin has antiviral and antibacterials properties. Staph Aureus has been one of the most well researched bacteria strains showing effectiveness by administering Monolaurin. What a great, natural way to reduce the susceptibility to toxic shock.

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