Wednesday, March 05, 2008

No good drugs for dementia

By Maggie Fox (Reuters)

There are no good drugs to treat dementia, according to new guidelines released on Monday. Experts who tried to set up treatment guidelines were disappointed to find no good options for patients with dementia, and no way to determine which drug might be best for certain cases. Researchers at the American Academy of Family Physicians reviewed the results of 96 different studies of five different drugs approved for treating dementia. Writing in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers said, "It is disheartening to find out that all we have to work with is these five drugs, and the evidence on these is scant. Consider that in 50 years, one in 45 Americans will suffer from Alzheimer's disease. This is huge problem."

Bonnie - see my post in late February called Tips to Prevent Memory Loss

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