Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Extreme Disappointment

I happen to be a member of The American College of Nutrition, an esteemed and very well respected organization that awards nutrition specialist certifications to mostly physicians and select dietitians/nutritionists. I have been proud to be a member of this exlcusive organization. That is, until December.

The College's journal, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, in an extreme departure from their usual unbiased viewpoints, dedicated the entire December issue to debunking negative theories regarding mik and milk products. The journal went so far as to address "The Myth of Increased Lactose Intolerance in African-Americans," and "Milk Consumption Does Not Lead to Mucus Production or Occurrence of Asthma."

I don't think I have ever seen as blatant of an attempt to appease an industry as this journal has. What's more, smack dab on the second page of the journal, it reads, "This supplement was sponsored by the International Dairy Federation's Standing Committee on Nutrition and Health." In addition, the "Guest Editors" happen to be the Director of Nutrition and Scientific Affairs for the National Dairy Council, a member of of Dairy Australia, and the Director of Nutrition Research for the National Dairy Council.

I would like to state for the record that I do not endorse and vehemently oppose the data that appeared in the December issue of Journal of the American College of Nutrition.

Bonnie Minsky, LDN, CNS, MPH, MA

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