Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Government Publishes "A Healthier You"

It isn't enough that our government failed miserably this year when they released the latest version of the Food Guide Pyramid ("MyPyramid"), they are now selling a book about it for $12.95 in all brick and mortar and online retail outlets.

Our hard-earned tax dollars were wasted on the creation of MyPyramid, which directed everyone to the morass that is mypyramid.com. Many citizens who need dietary advice the most do not use computers or do not have the money or training to use a computer. So now, our government is asking them to pony up $12.95 to buy a 340 page book that they already paid for?

Surprised? Unfortunately, not. It takes far more to surprise us these days.

Stay tuned to our review of "A Healthier You."


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