Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Drugs Could Imitate, Even Initiate MS

According to Dr. Brian Weinshenker, Neurologist from the Mayo Clinic, drugs generally do not cause Multiple Sclerosis, though there have been rare excpetions. Certain drugs for rheumatoid arthritis or Crohn's disease, for example, have produced the symptoms and findings of MS. And the combination of drugs to treat colon cancer has shown a similar tendency. In some cases, certain drugs produce symptoms of MS. Other diseases can also mimic MS.

MS can be difficult to diagnose because manifestations can vary considerably across patients and the symptoms are similar to those of other conditions. Make sure that your physician does an exhaustive medical history, neurological examination, magnestic resoannce imaging, and possibly even a spinal tap if deemed necessary.

Excerpts taken from Tribune Media Services 7/19/2005

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