Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Next Battle for Supplements Has Begun

We fought long and hard in the early 1990's to push through DSHEA. This landmark legislation allowed consumers to make their own choice concerning what nutrients they wanted to put in their bodies.

Now, there are two pieces of legislation that threaten to derail DSHEA and put dietary supplements in the hands of Big Pharma. There are three tragic consequences that could come out of this development:
  1. You lose your right to choose what nutrients you put in your body. Instead, the choice will be made by federal regulators, Big Pharma, and your physician/pharmacist.
  2. Dietary supplements will become prohibitively expensive. Most supplement manufacturers will be priced out, leaving very few players (mostly the supplement divisions of Big Pharma companies), which will drive up costs immensely, similar to pharmaceuticals.
  3. When compared to medication, the safety record of dietary supplements has been close to perfect. When put in the hands of BigPharma, who's pharmaceuticals account for 80% of fatalities surveyed by the National Poison Control Center, who do you feel more safe with?
Folks, this has already happened in Europe, and if you have spoken to any of your friends there, people are irate. More to come on this. However, if you would like to let your congressmen/women know how you feel about this issue, click on the following:

NDI Draft Guidance

S.1310. The Dietary Supplement Labeling Act

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