Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pesticides, ADHD linked

Maternal exposure to organophosphate pesticides such as diazinon during pregnancy was correlated with ADHD symptoms in their children five years later, researchers said. Led by Brenda Eskenazi, PhD, of the University of California in Berkeley, the researchers also identified genetic variants that may make children more susceptible to neurodevelopmental abnormalities from exposure to organophosphates. The studies, published online in Environmental Health Perspectives, add to a growing body of evidence linking the chemicals to ADHD and other developmental problems. Organophosphates -- a group of compounds that also include the sarin and VX nerve gases -- irreversibly inhibit acetylcholinesterase. Those used as commercial insecticides have low potency and degrade rapidly in the environment, but human toxicity from acute exposure is well established.

Earlier this year, a different group of researchers reported that children with high levels of dialkyl phosphate metabolites -- an objective measure of organophosphate exposure -- had a significantly increased the likelihood of an ADHD diagnosis.

Bonnie - deservedly, this study has received a ton of media exposure. I hope they remember the study the next time they question the benefits of eating organic!

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