Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Vitamins Gone Gummy, or Dummy?

I think this piece really does the public a disservice. Gummy vitamins are added sugar, plain and simple. The fact that people need mask supplements in candy is diametrically opposed to what supplements represent. Here are a few other things the reporters may not have thought of when stating that gummies make us more apt to take our vitamins.

  1. Consistently consuming candy, whether or not they contain vitamins, feeds the brain's addiction to sugar. Allowing the brain to get that fix every day only increases the desire for more products with added sugar.
  2. The sweeteners in gummy vitamins can reduce the effectiveness of the vitamins and minerals in the product. Sweeteners alter gut microbia in a negative way because they suppress beneficial bacteria. Beneficial gut microbes help the vitamins and minerals be absorbed. Pathogenic gut microbes do not.
  3. Artificial sweeteners in gummy vitamins are even worse. They still activate the brain's sugar receptors. In addition, they are chemicals which the body has to deal with excreting, instead of dealing with absorbing the vitamins and minerals.
  4. Most gummy vitamins are loaded with artificial fillers.

There are only a few gummy products that contain natural, non-caloric sweeteners such as inulin, lo han, and stevia. Unfortunately, most people do not care for the taste, which is why there are so few of them on the market.

In our honest opinion, we would rather our clients take no supplements at all than consume sugar sweetened or artificially sweetened gummy vitamins.

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