Thursday, April 26, 2012

Allergy Update

Best and Worst Places for Allergies in the U.S. - Asthma and Allergy Foundation and America
1. Portland, OR
2. Albany, NY
3. Seattle, WA
4. San Diego, CA
5. Greenville, SC
6. Sacramento, CA
7. Salt Lake City, UT
8. Ogden, UT
9. Stockton, CA
10. Boston, MA

1. Knoxville, TN
2. Louisville, KY
3. Charlotte, NC
4. Jackson, MS
5. Chattanooga, TN
6. Birmingham, AL
7. Dayton, OH
8. Richmond, VA
9. McAllen, TX
10. Madison, WI

Number of Children Suffering From Allergies - Centers for Disease Control 2010:
Skin - 9,400,000
Respiratory - 8,581,000
Hay Fever - 7,085,000
Food - 3,443,000

Comments From The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI): 
People with spring allergies often don't realize how many things can aggravate their allergy symptoms so they just muddle along and hope for an early end to the season. Three simple adjustments in habits and treatment can make springtime much more enjoyable.

1. Fruits and veggies -- Many people with seasonal allergies also suffer from pollen food allergy syndrome (also called oral allergy syndrome), a cross-reaction between the similar proteins in certain types of fruits, vegetables (and some nuts) and the allergy-causing pollen. One in five people with grass allergies and as many as 70 percent of people with birch tree allergies suffer from the condition, which can make your lips tingle and swell and your mouth itch. The trick is to determine which problematic produce is causing your symptoms and then avoid eating it. For example, if you're allergic to birch or alder trees, you might have a reaction to celery, cherries or apples. If you have grass allergies, tomatoes, potatoes or peaches may bother you.

2. Using the wrong air filter -- Using an air filter to keep your home pollen-free is a good idea, but be sure it's the right kind. Studies show inexpensive central furnace/air conditioning filters and ionic electrostatic room cleaners aren't helpful -- and in fact the latter releases ions, which can be an irritant. Whole-house filtration systems do work, but change the filters regularly or you could be doing more harm than good

3. Opening your windows -- Keep your house and car windows shut during allergy season.

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