Thursday, March 22, 2012

Most do not meet heart health targets

Less than 2% of Americans meet seven recommended heart health targets that could dramatically reduce their risk of heart disease. The number of people has actually dropped. The seven behaviors include:
  • Not smoking
  • Being physically active
  • Having normal blood pressure (under 120/80)
  • Healthy fasting blood-glucose levels (below 100)
  • Total cholesterol levels below 200
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Eating a healthy diet
People who met six of the seven goals had a 76% lower risk of heart-related death and a 51% lower risk of death from any cause, compared with those who met one or fewer.

he study appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Bonnie: the only one we do not agree with is the total cholesterol below 200. There is so much much more to heart health than just total cholesterol. I would have liked to have seen high triglycerides included.


Chuck said...

huh, you wouylda thunk only red meat caused heart disease.

Chuck said...

huh, you woulda thunk only red meat caused heart disease.