Friday, January 11, 2008

The skinny on colon cleansers.

I am frequently asked my opinion of colon cleansers and colonics.

Some health professionals suggest you should be regularly cleaning your colon. In fact, some make a lot of money persuading people that their colons are packed with several years' worth of decaying waste and that a colon cleanser or colonic will solve the problem. Unfortunately, this is not altogether accurate.

Colon cleansers come in a variety of forms, including capsules, laxatives, enemas, and "high colonics" which flush large amounts of water through the intestines. Colon cleansing is based on the theory that waste collects in the colon over time and stagnates there, causing toxins to form and spread throughout the body. Many 19th century doctors accepted this as fact. Although scientific research conducted has failed to confirm it, the misconception persists. Most of the toxicity we cannot eliminate resides in fat cells and other tissue.

The human body can cleanse itself quite well. The kidneys and lungs remove toxins and by-products from the blood stream, and regular bowel movements remove waste products from the gastrointestinal [GI] tract. There are no 'pockets' in the colon that collect stool for years.

The problem with colon cleansers and colonics is that they may cause harm and can be addicting. In some clients who have used strong laxative cleansers for long periods of time, the digestive system loses its ability to perform peristalsis (the process of moving food and waste through the bowel). This created a major problem for them when they wanted to go off of the cleanser.

Intestines aren't just a waste disposal unit. They're also a place where nutrients from food are absorbed into the bloodstream, to be transported throughout your entire body. Washing out the intestinal tract constantly could potentially interrupt this absorption, leaving you with vitamin or mineral deficiencies. In addition, colon cleansers can lead to dehydration.
In rare cases, high colonics can potentially harm the colon, causing small tears or internal damage.

Finally, many of the colon cleansing products on the market are loaded with potential allergens and intolerants that create more toxicity via inflammation.

A proper diet is the key to healthy bowel transit time and detoxification. If you need additional fiber in your diet, there are very safe and low allergenic options that should be chosen based upon the individual. Seek out the advice of a knowledgeable health professional such as myself who can taking into account your unique needs.

Physical activity increases blood flow throughout the body, and the better your blood flow, the easier it is for your colon to work efficiently.

My suggestion for those who are passionate about colonics: perform only once or twice a year maximum. Use only to provide temporary relief if you're constipated.

My suggestion for those who take colon cleansing supplements and powders: most products that I see I do not approve of. I would not attempt to try any colon cleansing products without consulting your physician or licensed health professional.

My personal suggestion for colon cleansing/constipation is the vitamin C levage. What I love about it is that while it is guaranteed to do the job, it is incredibly safe and healthy. Your gut will absorb all that vitamin C which is very healing to our cells. If you would like to try the levage, you must contact us to determine what is the right dosage and source of vitamin C for you. This is also a much healthier way to cleanse your colon for a colonoscopy. Of course, your physician must be notified to make sure he/she is on board.

Have a happy, healthy day.

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