Thursday, September 13, 2007

New Online Consumer Health Guide Reveals Nutritional Deficiencies Caused by Prescription Drugs, a leading natural health news and information site, has launched NewsTarget DrugWatch(TM), a free online resource that reveals the nutritional deficiencies caused by over 540 brand-name prescription drugs. The pages are provided free of charge as a service to enhance the health and safety of consumers:

All prescription drugs have unintended side effects, and many drugs deplete the body of essential nutrients. Today, most consumers are not being told about these drug-induced nutritional deficiencies, and they continue taking pharmaceuticals without knowing they are often leaving their body in a dangerous state of nutrient depletion that can lead to chronic degenerative disease. Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, for example, greatly interfere with Coenzyme Q10 production (a nutrient essential for cellular energy), but instead of being told to take supplemental CoQ10, many patients suffering from fatigue and exhaustion on statin drugs are simply diagnosed with another disease and given yet another prescription drug to take.

Antidepressant drugs, as another example, interfere with the metabolism of carbohydrates. Most people taking antidepressants are deficient in the B vitamins (especially folic acid). Supplementing with B vitamins has been found to either make the antidepressant drugs seem more effective or eliminate the need for the drugs altogether.

The NewsTarget DrugWatch database is updated monthly to reflect the latest research about drug-induced nutrient deficiencies. It is financially supported by the presence of Google advertising on each page, keeping it free to the public.

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