Friday, September 02, 2005

Bonnie's Back to School Tips

Here are a few reminders to keep your children healthy and focused:
  • reduce sugar intake - sugar is the number one contributor to reduced immunity to viruses and bacteria
  • supplement with cod liver oil - vitamins A & D are essential to immunity and exist in ideally bioavailable form in cod liver; no sunshine in fall and winter means little vitamin D; 1/2 - 1 tsp. daily is suggested
  • adequate sleep - this is crucial for your child's immunity and focus; between 9-12 hours for young children through teen
  • probiotic supplementation - balanced gut ecology is essential for fighting bacteria and viruses, and healthy neurological function; healthy flora is usually deficient in most of us; supplementing with a high quality acidophilus/bifidus probiotic is suggested
  • be selective with carbohydrates - instead of loading up on grain carbs, make your child's carbs fruit and veggie-heavy; fruit juice does not count (not much better than soda pop) because it is absorbed like pure sugar
  • magnesium - if extra support is needed for focus or hyperactivity, there is nothing better than "nature's valium"; a glycinate form is suggested to reduce potential intestinal disturbance, which is the only side effect of magnesium
  • practice clean hygiene - make sure your children wash their hands after going to the restroom and before meals; try to disuade them from putting their fingers in their mouth, nose, or rubbing their eyes
  • immunizations - two days before and after injections, give your child 500mg. extra vitamin C and 10-15 mg. of zinc
  • athletics - if your child is playing a sport several times weekly, make sure you are supplementing them with extra calories and proper nutrients, especially electolytes like magnesium and potassium
Good luck! Bonnie

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