Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Magnesium Positively Affects C-Reactive Protein Levels

Most Americans consume magnesium at levels below the RDA. Individuals with intakes below the RDA are more likely to have elevated CRP, which may contribute to cardiovascular disease. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey showed that 68% consumed less than the recommended daily alllowance of magnesium, and 19% consumed less than 50% of the RDA. Those adults who consumed less than the RDA were 1.48-1.75 times more likley to have elevated CRP levels than those who consumed the RDA or above.

Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol.24, No.3, 166-171 (2005)

Bonnie - as I have been saying since I began practicing nutrition, magnesium is one of the most important yet deficient nutrients in the American diet. Many do not like taking magnesium because it often creates digestive discomfort. This is why many of my clients supplement with magnesium glycinate, which is easy on the gut.

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