Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Government Recommends Eating Whole Grains

The United States Agriculture Department says that three servings of whole grains each day, even if it is bread, will reduce your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Bonnie - Looks like they are prepping us for the updated Food Pyramid.

For one, most of us do not know what a whole grain is.

Second, whole grain breads are rarely just whole grain. They are usually accompanied with refined grains. Some large food processors advertise their products as whole grains, yet when you scrutenize the labels, you find that they contain refined grains and added sugars.

When eating whole grains, try to avoid bread products and concentrate on consuming one whole grain at a time, such as oatmeal, wild rice or quinoa. Pick one whole grain for a day, and rotate to another grain for the next day. This way, you minimize your chances for allergy or sensitivity, which is common in individuals who consume a lot of grain.

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